Sunday, May 30, 2010

Soloman Islands: Trees fact is it true?

Soloman Island
I have recently seen a Movie called Tare Zameen Par. It is Bollywood movie. Aamir Khan is a Actor of this movie. In movie, he explain once about Soloman Islands. In soloman Islands, If the people of soloman Island need a land for making house or for Agriculture they don't cut the trees. They just visit there and threat the tree and after two or three days later tree will die meaning that the tree will dry. So they got a land after the tree dried and they just make house there or make a field for farming I am not supposed to criticized the movie Tare Zameen Par But I am confused so I post this article or a subject matter of fun in this Blog.

Anyone can suggest more about the Soloman Island's fact about the tree than you can email me at in or simply you can comment me here...

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